RoboKitchen: Task Tree Retrieval
Optimization of culinary processes through the implementation of Functional Object-Oriented Network (FOON).
Utilization of Iterative Deepening Search (IDS) and Greedy Best-First Search (GBFS) guided by heuristic functions.
Focus on extracting task trees for a wide range of dishes to enhance culinary operations' efficiency and accuracy.
Evaluation of bactericidal effects of silver hydrosol nanotherapeutics against Enterococcus faecium 1449 drug resistant biofilms
Investigated the impact of bioactive Ag-hydrosol nanoparticles (NPs) on drug-resistant E. faecium 1449 and explored the use of artificial intelligence (Faster RCNN model) for automated bacteria detection.
Highlighted the potential of Ag-hydrosol NPs for combating drug-resistant bacteria and the usefulness of AI in assessing treatment effects, offering a significant contribution to the field of antibacterial therapies.
Heart Rate Monitoring with Emotion Detection using PPG & GSR Sensors
Implemented a wireless device along with a PCB board to log the PPG and GSR data through Bluetooth.
Estimated the heart rate from PPG signal through a dynamic HR model provided by DFT - based frequency analysis and careful Kalman Filter tuning.
Extracted the SCL and SCR features of GSR signal applying SparseEDA algorithm to the processed data.
Catch or DIE
To implement the falling objects on the LED display, each row of LEDs has been connected to a single 3:8 DEMUX (74LS138).
We used a 4-bit comparator to compare the address of a falling object in the bottom row to the address of the platform light to determine whether the score or death count should be incremented.
Automatic Irrigation System Using GSM
Continuously monitor the soil moisture level to decide whether irrigation is needed, and how much water is needed in the soil.
When sensing unit senses moisture level of the soil is less than 30 percent then pumping unit starts to work and when moisture level reaches up to 50 percent then it stops watering.
Design and Implementation of a MPPT Charge Controller for a PV System
Simulated a full model of a MPPT charge controller along with a solar panel on Proteus and design the controller for the best suited with the panel.
Designed a PCB board for the controller part and implemented a hardware to charge the solar panel.
Monitored the charging power of the batteries and use Incremental Conductance Method to charge the batteries at maximum power.